Friday, April 19, 2024

MAD DADDY: Myers, Mintz and the Moondog and How Cleveland, Ohio, Changed Rock Radio

If you want to take a step back in time and look at the pioneers of Cleveland radio that gave us the top ten hits of the week, and the backstories, you can look no further than Mad Daddy: Myers, Mintz and the Moondog and How Cleveland, Ohio, Changed Rock Radio, by Janice and Mike Olszewski assembled. 


Television in post war America hit local radio hard so the success of staying in business was from local legends including Alan Freed, Carl Reese, and Bill Randle. This book primarily focuses on the life and career of Pete Myers, also known as “Mad Daddy.” But the book also crosses paths with Leo Mintz, a record store owner who knew what people wanted to listen to – and made an exceptional living doing what he did best. 


Not only is this book well-written and highly researched, but highly entertaining. No dead drool or encyclopedic jargon found here. If Mike and Janice were delivering a fascinating slide show presentation, this would be that type of transcript. Fans of rock n’ roll radio of the 1950s and 1960s will find this book a treat. I could sit here and type up a few of the great stories inside to wet your appetite, but that would ruin the fun of reading this book. Why give it away? Do not delay grabbing your copy today.