Friday, August 6, 2021


With the intense social events in the world these days, it is easy to get hooked into the 24-7 news cycle. Sometimes it seems like we are swimming in a sea of incoherence on all levels that is confusing, disempowering and makes us vulnerable. Contradictions from one network to another is not uncommon these days, adding to the confusion. A decade ago my applied wisdom rebelled against it and never have I regretted that decision. (Let's be honest, it is not news anymore -- it is "news commentary" designed to incite and infuriate. Nothing makes people stay tuned to the news than fear.) Thankfully, there is a generation of us youngsters who prefer to unplug from the exposure of violence. Instead, they turn to podcasts for a pleasant diversion.

There are thousands of podcasts available on the Internet now. Gilbert Gottfried has a magnificent podcast worth listening to. Leonard Maltin has one, too. I also enjoy the Columbus Moving Picture Show podcast. Just doing a standard Google search will provide you with a lengthy list. So I wanted to take a moment and mention one that you should check out. Kat Lively has a podcast titled Calling Old Hollywood focusing on intimate encounters of the actors, actresses, writers and musicians from the Golden Age of Hollywood. As an example, Alan K. Rode is interviewed on one episode about his pursuit of film noir. This is a great podcast and worth listening to when traveling to and from work through your smart phone and car stereo bluetooth. 

Just the other week I was invited to be a guest on Kat's podcast, and I mention this in full disclosure. But this is not why I am recommending her podcast. (I am a guest on two or three podcasts and/or radio programs every month and I do not dare mention them all.) Kat shares a love for classic Hollywood movies and -- more importantly -- focuses on the preservation of that passion. We need more of these. Instead of an interview, Kat has a coffee table discussion and while the subjects are retro, the primary agenda is to focus on the passion that drives our love of old movies.

Whether you are a fan of Humphrey Bogart, John Huston, Marilyn Monroe or James Dean, among others, click the link below and listen to a few episodes. You can thank me later.