Monday, May 14, 2012

Nostalgia E-Mail Newsletter


For the past year I have been receiving a number of people complaining that they are not receiving the weekly blog posts via e-mail. Others have no problem. I can understand how frustrating it is when you don't receive something you subscribed to. And today, subscribers received the last few months' worth of blog posts (a computer glitch beyond my control). So I found a solution. As of this Friday, every blog post will be sent to every subscriber through a new system installed on my website. Please sign up with your e-mail address below.

For clarification of the format, html means you will receive both text and photos. Text is just text (no photos). Mobile means you have a small mobile device and check all your e-mails through an iPhone, Android, etc.

Even if you have no problems receiving the weekly e-mails, you must subscribe because the old list is being disposed of.

I want to thank everyone for their understanding and continued enjoyment of the blog posts. Believe it or not, the next two years worth of blog posts have been finished and each one will be posted automatically every Friday. There are some surprises and treasures and archival documents that will make it worth everyone's effort to sign up for the weekly e-mails.

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