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Fred Waring NBC photo |
Picking up where I left off last year, here is the second half of the broadcast log for The Fred Waring Show for the calendar year of 1948. (Later I will offer the 1947 broadcasts)
Broadcast of April 23, 1948
The program includes a salute to “National Pharmacy Week.”
This includes an original Jay Johnson rhyme titled “The Drug Store Rhyme.”
Broadcast of April 30, 1948
The program salutes the custom of observing May each year as
“Moving Day.” An original comedy sketch about Moving Day is dramatized with Daisy Bernier,
Don Craig and Lumpy Brannum in the cast. The program concludes with
a tribute to the memories of three great show people who died this week: Tom
Breneman, Milton Britton and Clarence Gaskill.
Broadcast May 7, 1948
The program salutes the May Music Festival being held
throughout the land and mentions specifically the “Tri-Cities Choral Festival”
in Binghamton, New York, with Don Craig there to direct 250 high school
singers; and the six-day festival in Rochester with Howard Hanson directing.
Special spot on this program is a tribute to the memory of Johannes Brahms on
this, his birth date, and a spot in salute to all mothers in honor of the up-coming
Mothers Day. Also a birthday salute to composer Peter Tchaikovsky.
Broadcast of May 14, 1948
The program salutes “Straw Hat Day.” The date is
either the 14th or 15th of May, says Waring, is set aside
to say goodbye to felts and woolens and get ready for the coming warm days by
wearing straw hats and cottons. (The exact calendar date has been subject to debate for years.) This program featured a sketch about men’s hats and how the
different styles, names and materials for straw hats became popular. The program
also has a spot about the National Celebrities Golf Tournament at the Columbia
Country Club in Washington, D.C. and told how this Tournament was staged to raise
funds to fight juvenile delinquency. In connection with this program feature
today, special guest is Charles "Chick" Evans, famous amateur golf champion. Another
program salute today goes to “I Am an American Day” planned for Sunday
Broadcast on May 21, 1948
The program pays an anniversary tribute to the memory of Richard
Wagner, composer, born 135 years ago today.
Broadcast of May 28, 1948
Anniversary tribute to the memory of Thomas Moore, Irish
poet who was born on May 28. This program featured a Roy Ringwald arrangement of “Erin Go Brah,” a
blending of Moore’s poems into song-and-music, is presented by the Waring group. The feature spot
is a salute to an organization known as “Veterans Hospital Programs.”
The special guest is Pat Withrow, Jr., National Director of the “Veterans Hospital
Programs” organization. Mr. Withrow tells how this organization is sponsored by
Protestant Churches of America and how the organization specializes in putting
on shows for veterans in hospitals and in presenting veterans' hospital rooms with
radio sets. On this broadcast, VHP presented 30 radios to
three different veteran hospitals, ten radios to each of the hospitals, by having
Jane Wilson, soloist with the Waring group and also member of the Veterans
Hospital Programs national committee, to draw names of three winning hospitals
from a hat. 130 names were in the hat. Jane drew the winners as follows: Hines,
Illinois Veterans Hospital; Veteran Hospital in Walla Walla, Washington; and Veterans
Hospital, Gulfport, Mississippi. (General Electric radios are given to the
hospitals). Following the drawing of the winners’ names, a special number is
dedicated to all Americans, “Where in the World but America?”
Author's note: I find the above very interesting. About this time, Fred Waring had a second radio program, broadcast on Monday evening, sponsored by General Electric. For one sponsor to be mentioned on another program owned by another sponsor was unique. Perhaps General Electric allowed a return favor for the next broadcast?
Broadcast of June 4, 1948
The program today salutes Sahwnee-on-the-Delaware, from where
this program series will be broadcast during the summer months, beginning next
week. The legend of the Indian Princess Shawnee is included in this salute.
Also, a special salute to all of the students who are among this season’s
graduates from high school and colleges throughout the land. A special farewell tribute today to Mac Perrin, a six-year member of the Pennsylvanians as singer and
musician, was delivered. This was Perrin’s final appearance on The
Fred Waring Show. Perrin was entering his television career. As a farewell song,
Perrin sang “The Thousand Island Song.” This was the final episode to originate
from New York City.
Broadcast of June 11, 1948
Now broadcast from Shawnee on the Delaware, Pennsylvania, today
and hereafter until further notice. Fred Waring and the cast are spending the
summer in Shawnee where Waring conducted a Choral Clinic. This broadcast studio
guests number 75 members of the Peggy Reed’s Pottstown, Pennsylvania, High School
Chorus. Also featured is an anniversary salute to WEBC, Duluth, Minnesota, celebrating its 20th
anniversary today. Also featured is a sketch titled “Million Dollar Baby,” in salute to
the five-and-ten cent stores. Also featured is a birthday salute to the anniversary of King
Kamehameha, the first King of Hawaii. The Hawaiian Farewell Song by Queen
Liliuokalani, “Aloha Oe,” is presented in tribute to Hawaii.
Broadcast of June 18, 1948
An announcement is made that today is “Graduation Day” for the
first class of the 1948 Workshop that Fred Waring and the cast were conducting in
Shawnee this summer. Norman Leydens is the featured vocalist today and sings
“Senorita.” Leydens co-wrote with Glenn Miller the song, "I Sustain the Wings," in 1943,
which was used as the theme song for Glenn Miller's World War II radio series.A Father’s Day spot is included in the program with a sketch
titled “How Fathers Get Presents” and is a humorous, human-interest sketch
dedicated to the fathers of our country.
Broadcast of June 25, 1948
Hawley Ades, arranger for Fred Waring, is honored in this
broadcast. This is Ades’ birthday and every member used on the program was a
Hawley Ades arrangement.
Broadcast of July 2, 1948
Fred Waring is away on a business trip to Canada. Don Craig
does the emcee chores subbing for Waring with Fred Culley is directing the
orchestra. “Safe Driving Dream” is a feature sketch with Don Craig narrating.
It is the story of what might happen if we do not watch our motoring, especially on a
holiday week and like the one coming up. Another feature is titled “Lost
Colony” and is the story of the Lost Colony on Roanoke Island – dedicated to
the Fourth of July.
Broadcast of July 9, 1948
This program includes a special salute to the U.S. Marine Corps,
celebrating their 173rd birthday this week. Guest is Brig. Gen. Carl
S. Day, U.S. Marine Crops, who tells about the new Marine plane, the Phantom F-H-1.
Brig. Gen. Day salutes the Marines everywhere, mentions also that this year
marks the 150th birthday of the famous U.S. Marine Band, this
anniversary to be celebrated tomorrow. He then presented Fred Waring and the cast
with a “Certificate of Appreciation” for the cooperation this program has shown
in promoting interest in the activities of the Marine Corps Reserve. The entire
program is dedicated to the Marines including salutes to the ex-Marines on the Waring cast.
Broadcast of July 16, 1948
This program includes a birthday salute to little Billy Bivens,
son of Bill and announcer on the show.
Broadcast of July 23, 1948
“Pied Piper Anniversary” today. 572 years ago, the famous
Pied Piper of Hamlin Town is said to have lured the destructive rats to their
death and then to have punished the people who would not keep their promise to
him, he lured away their children. Also, this episode features an anniversary
salute to Salt Lake City, Utah, which was 101 years old on July 24.
Broadcast of July, 30, 1948
Waring announces that members of the Amarillo High
School Glee Club (Amarillo, Texas) visited the Shawnee Workshop yesterday. Members of an Oklahoma High School Glee Club (the “Keynotes” of
Okamulgee, Oklahoma) are visiting today – and are listening to this broadcast.
Broadcast of August 6, 1948
“Fish Story” is the featured sketch with Waring indulging in
a conversation with a Fish. Lumpy Brannum plays the role of “Finny Friend, the Fish.”
Broadcast of August 13, 1948
“Superstitions” is the featured sketch of the broadcast, in
keeping with Friday the 13th.
Broadcast of August 20, 1948
“Workshop Graduation” is the theme since this Friday
marked the closing of the Choral Workshop in Shawnee. Fred Waring does an
original rhymed sketch titled “Workshop Summary.”
Broadcast of August 27, 1948
“Stars” make up the theme for this broadcast with songs
about stars and of course, the orchestra played “Stardust.” This was the
last time the series was broadcast from Shawnee on Delaware, Pennsylvania.
Broadcast of September 3, 1948
Now broadcast from
the Radio City studios in New York. The featured spot
on this broadcast was an original sketch titled “Children Are Smart,” about the
way we go about mis-spelling words so our children won’t understand us. And then,
the children start to school and our spelling game ends abruptly.
Broadcast of September 10, 1948
“Working My Way Through College” is the featured sketch,
dedicated to all of the young people going back to school and college.
Broadcast of September 17, 1948
Fred Waring is not on the program because he is preparing an
Invitation Golf Tournament for the Annual Waite Memorial Tournament at Shawnee.
In New York, Don Craig is emcee and Fred Culley directs the orchestra. This program
features the “Freedom Train” song, the occasion is the birthday of the Freedom
Train. Just a year ago last night, the Freedom Train was dedicated in
Philadelphia. Today, the Freedom train is in Pittsburgh. This program gives
figures on the large numbers of people who visited the Freedom Train during its first
year. This program also includes a tie-in salute to the Emancipation Proclamation,
the Bill of Rights, etc. Another big anniversary salute today goes to the U.S.
Air Force. Tomorrow, September 18, will be the 41st anniversary of the
Military Air Service and the First Anniversary of the Air Corps as an
independent unit.
Broadcast of September 24, 1948
A salute to American Indian Days. (Author note: Apologies for the brief summaries. I can only list what information I have access to and i didn't have much to go on beyond this.)
Broadcast of October 1, 1948
Salute to Pennsylvania Week. “Shakey, the Pennsylvania
Dutchman” spot stars Big Walter "Shakey" Horton of the chorus.
Broadcast of October 8, 1948
Fire Prevention Week. This broadcast featured a dramatic
sketch on fire prevention. Guest included Doctor Fabian Sevitsky, director of
the Indianapolis Symphony.
Broadcast of October 15, 1948
A poem, “Getting a Hair Cut,” is among the highlights of the
Broadcast of October 22, 1948
A poem, “Scorpio,” is among the highlights of the
Broadcast of October 29, 1948
Beginning with this episode, Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians began a multi-state tour and broadcast their show from different towns as they went across the country. This broadcast originates from Cleveland, Ohio. The entire
orchestra plays to an audience of 12,000 teachers in Ohio, from an auditorium
in Cleveland. Also included is a spot about Halloween.
Broadcast of November 5, 1948
This broadcast originates from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There
is a salute to the Centennial year of Wisconsin and the Homecoming Week for
the University of Wisconsin. A salute to Sammy Gallop, composer, and Billy Moll,
Clara Edwards and Carrie Jacobs Bond.
Broadcast of November 12, 1948
This broadcast originates from Omaha, Nebraska. The
orchestra performs at the Orpheum Theater with an audience of 1,200 high school
youngsters representing Glee Clubs of every school in town. Also included is a salute to Santa Fe
for arrangement of their transportation during this tour.
Broadcast of November 19, 1948
This broadcast originates from Dallas, Texas. This episode
features a salute to Texas. November 19 is the anniversary of the
Pennsylvanians and Fred Waring. Exactly 20 years ago they opened in their first
show, a Broadway musical called Hello
Broadcast of November 26, 1948
This broadcast originates from Des Moines, Iowa. The
Pennsylvanians told the story of the “Little Lost Chord,” which they told 11
years ago. Yesterday, Macy’s Department Store used the radio program as the star of the
store’s animated Christmas window display. High School students of Iowa were in
the audience.
Broadcast of December 3, 1948
This broadcast originates from the University of Illinois in Urbana, Illinois. The program includes a special
Abraham Lincoln feature as Waring explains that the Waring show cast members
have spent the last two nights in the Urbana-Lincoln Hotel on the site of the
old Reddick House where Lincoln lived when he was a struggling young lawyer, just
100 years ago. “Lincoln’s Poetry,” narrated by someone playing the part of Abraham Lincoln, is featured.
The Glee Club then performs “Poem by Abraham Lincoln,” Lincoln’s poem set to
Broadcast of December 10, 1948
This broadcast originates from Rochester, New York. This program also includes a birthday
salute to composers Harold Adamson, Sana Marco and Lew Brown. The featured spot is
titled “Tour Summary” and consisted of narration by Fred Waring as he
highlighted events of the tour they were just completing.
Broadcast of December 17, 1948
The program now originates from New York City where future broadcasts originated. This program included birthday greetings by Ray Noble, orchestra leader-song
writer. The program started with Christmas music – today
and through the holiday, a portion of the program would be devoted to Christmas
music including some of the seldom-heard carols.
Broadcast of December 24, 1948
“Song of Christmas” is a highlight of the broadcast, a
dramatic-musical presentation of arranger Roy Ringwald’s re-creation of the
Christmas story in Biblical verse and in the songs of Christmas through the
centuries. “Song of Christmas” is an annual presentation of the Fred Waring
broadcasts. Narration is by Don Craig. Soloists included Jane Wilson, Stuart
Churchill and Leonard Kranendonk.
Broadcast of December 31, 1948
“Happy Birthday” today to Mrs. C.H. Boyd, a listener in
Memphis, Tennessee, who today was celebrating her 100th birthday.
There was a New Year’s theme throughout this entire program as Waring mentions some of the
highlights of 1948 and expresses greetings from the entire cast for a Happy New
Year for all the listeners.
In Closing...
All of the December 1948 radio broadcasts exists in recorded form. I recommend you seek them out and add them to your Christmas listening for next year. They are very enjoyable.