For anyone not versed in the old-time radio hobby, there are only two conventions along the West Coast focused primarily on old-time radio. SPERDVAC and REPS. Because I am among the guest of honors this weekend, this blog entry will focus on the latter of these two.
The date was November 3, 1990. Eleven people gathered at the Merchants’ CafĂ©, the oldest restaurant in Seattle, Washington. The group exchanged conversation about old-time radio, a subject and hobby they shared mutual interest. The December meeting was skipped (probably because of the holiday festivities) but the second meeting was held at the Queen Anne Library in January 1991 and a total of 22 people attended. There, Mark Skullerud came up with the name “Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound” (after Andy Anderson jokingly suggested that the organization should be called the Society of the Glowing Dial).
In February, Hollywood actor John Archer was a special guest and the event was well advertised. Close to 100 people attended. Archer spoke about his days in Hollywood, playing the role of Lamont Cranston on the radio program, The Shadow, and signed autographs. Membership continued to grow and for the cost of $100, members could gain an “Executive Membership,” which gave them a numbered copy of a radio script personally autographed by John Archer. This was limited to only 30.
Actor Dick Beals at the dress rehearsal. |
REPS focuses on preserving, re-creating and sharing old-time radio during their monthly meetings in Seattle. A number of their members so many shows for older senior citizens at retirement homes. In November of 2007, REPS put on an event at the historic Paramount Theatre. REPS joined the Puget Sound Theatre Organ Society and the Seattle Theatre Group for a benefit and fund raiser for the restoration of the Paramount Theatre’s original mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ. The Wurlitzer was installed in the theatre in 1928 and was in need of repairs. REPS presented re-creations of classic such as the Abbott and Costello “Who’s On First?” routine, an adventure of The Shadow, the comedic Dragnet spoof of “The Copper-Clapper-Caper” and The Life of Riley. Ken Double, a renowned entertainer and organist, masterfully performed for the audience as he brought the Wurlitzer to life. Mr. Double played many selections from the console and he also added his vocal rendition of several songs as he accompanied himself on the Wurlitzer.
In June of 1993, the first annual REPS Convention was held, under the leadership of Mike Sprague, then president of the club. John Archer, Dick Beals, Harry Bartell, Parley Baer, Page Gilman, Herb Ellis, Doug Young, Anne Whitfield and Merrill Mael were among the guests. That means this year’s event will be their 20th Anniversary so it seems only fitting that we explore some of the past events.
1993 -- Celebrities for the first year included John Archer, Parley Baer, Harry Bartell, Dick Beals, Frank Buxton, Stuart Conway, Herb Ellis, Page Gilman, Meril Mael sp? (sound effects man), Anne Whitfield and Doug Young (sound effects man).
Highlights of the weekend included a Jack Benny workshop with John and Larry Gassman. A re-creation presentation was performed by a local troop of actors known as “Bathhouse Theater.” A re-creation of The Shadow with John Archer reprising his role of Lamont Cranston in “The Man Who Dreamed Too Much” was performed, with Frank Buxton, Catrina Baxter Hodiac, Anne Whitfield, Meril Mael, Stuart Conway, Marti Lewis, Page Gilman and Doug Young. Music bridges were taken from tracks prepared by Rosa Rio for SPERDVAC in 1986. Larry Gassman moderated a panel, “Remembering Carlton E. Morse,” with Anne Whitfield and Page Gilman. A re-creation of the first episode of Gunsmoke, “Billy the Kid,” was performed on stage with the celebrity guests attending.
Old-Time Radio Recreation at REPS |
1994 -- This was the second year REPS put on their annual convention. (Details of the 1993 have eluded me for the time being.) Celebrities included on Clark, Bill Murtough, Anne Whitfield, Ray Erlenborn, Stewart Conway, John Archer, Frank Buxton, Willard Waterman, Gale Storm, Paul Masterson, Merrill Mael, Tyler McVey, Sam Edwards, Jack Kruschen, David Ossman, Esther Geddes, Norma Jean Nilsson, Rhoda Williams, John Rayburn, Doug Young, Katrina Baxter Hodiak and Dick Beals.
1995 -- Celebrities included Parley Baer, Harry Bartell, Rhoda Williams, Shirley Mitchell, Jay Livingston, Peggy Webber, Herb Ellis, Doug Young, Anne Whitfield, Merrill Mael, Jeanette Nolan, Norma Jean Nilsson, Anna Denton, Bill Murtough, Frank Bresee, Peter Leeds, Bill Brooks, Kevin O’Morrison, Arthur Anderson, Esther Geddes, Tyler McVey, Jim French, Pat French, John Archer, Stewart Conway and Dick Beals.
1996 -- Celebrities included Norma Jean Nilsson, Sam Edwards, Merrill Mael, Rhoda Williams, Gil Stratton Jr., Parley Baer, Esther Geddes, Tyler McVey, Anne Whitefield, Harry Bartell, Ginny Tyler, Jim French, Pat French, Herb Ellis, Fred Foy, Art Gilmore, K. Baxter-Hodiak, Doug Young, Stewart Conway, Dick Beals, Ray Erlenborn, Frank Buxton, Colby Chester and Bill Murtough.
Leonard Maltin was scheduled to attend REPS, but a schedule conflict prevented him from appearing. He sent his regrets. Peter Leeds and John Archer were also planning to attend but their health permitted them from leaving the house. Sam Edwards and Gil Stratton Jr., reprised their roles in “The Game,” an episode of radio’s Suspense from 1955. Vic and Sade, a popular favorite, was re-created on stage. Also re-created was The Right to Happiness, The Lone Ranger, The Lux Radio Theatre and The Clock. The Gassman brothers also provided “George Burns: Vaudeville to God.”
1997 -- Celebrities included Art Gilmore, Harry Bartell, Merrill Mael, Norma Jean Nilsson, Rhoda Williams, Tyler McVey, Esther Geddes, Peg Lynch, Parley Baer, Peggy Jordan, Stewart Conway, Ray Erlenborn, Dick Beals, Gil Stratton Jr., Herb Ellis, Larry Dobkin, Ginny Tyler, Sandra Gould, Doug Young, Bob Hastings, Frank Buxton, Jim French and Pat French.
Tyler McVey was asked by the audience what radio program paid the most. His answer? The Lux Radio Theater. Merrill Mael played the role of Uncle Fletcher in Vic and Sade, with Parley Baer and Peg Lynch in the cast. Parley and Peg also played Ethel and Albert. Tyler McVey and Rhoda Williams played John and Blanche Bickerson. Harry Bartell talked about the creative process of writing radio scripts, gave the Webster’s definition of creativity, then added “It’s getting the marks on the paper.”
Penny demonstrates the illusion of sound effects. |
1998 -- Celebrities included Dick Beals, Ray Erlenborn, Larry Dobkin, Tyler McVey, Esther Geddes, Merrill Mael, Rhoda Williams, Sharon Douglas, Jo Anna March, Janet Waldo, Barbara Fuller, Norma Jean Nilsson, Stewart Conway, Sandra Gould, Anne Whitfield, Art Gilmore, Sam Edwards, Gil Stratton Jr. and Harry Bartell.
Radio re-creations included The Life of Riley, Meet Corliss Archer, Ethel and Albert, One Man’s Family, The Aldrich Family, Vic and Sade, The Second Mrs. Burton, The Adventures of Ellery Queen (with Larry Dobkin reprising his role as Ellery) and Escape.
Norma Jean and Rhoda talked about what it was like to work on Father Knows Best (the radio series, naturally). Harry Bartell did an intriguing interview with Barbara Fuller and Art Gilmore. Barbara Fuller recalled with fondness the days she worked with Charlie Chaplin, Ethel Barrymore and Ingrid Bergman. Ray Erlenborn and Stewart Conway entertained the audience with stories and demonstrations from their years of creating sound effects. Friday offered the convention highlight as the crew paid acclaim to Parley Baer. John and Larry Gassman led the tribute to Parley, which was videotaped and sent to the talented actor who could not attend the convention that year.
1999 -- Celebrities included Merrill Mael, Anne Whitfield, Norman Jean Nilsson, Jo Anna March, Tyler McVey, Esther Geddes, Art Gilmore, Gil Stratton Jr., Dick Beals, Stewart Conway, Ginny Tyler, Harry Bartell, Rhoda Williams, Douglas Young, Alan Young, Herb Ellis, Sam Edwards, Frank Buxton, Charles Flynn, Tommy Cook, Ray Erlenborn and Larry Dobkin.
Three former Archie Goodwins from The Adventures of Nero Wolfe participated in a radio re-creation: Larry Dobkin played the role of Nero Wolfe. Harry Bartell was Archie. Herb Ellis directed as well as played a small role. Vic and Sade, Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy, Broadway is My Beat, The Adventures of Red Ryder and The Alan Young Show were performed on stage. With Alan Young making one of his rare convention appearances, honorary member Ginny Tyler interviewed Alan Young on stage. He talked about Mister Ed, his radio work in Canada, and Scrooge McDuck.
Tommy Cook and Shirley Mitchell |
2000 -- Celebrities included Norma Jean Nilsson, Rhoda Williams, Esther Geddes McVey, Ray Erlenborn, Anne Whitfield, Gil Stratton Jr., Jo Anna March, Jim French, Pat French, Ed Scott, Tyler McVey, Alice Backes, Art Gilmore, Sam Edwards, Janet Waldo, Paul Herlinger, Harry Bartell, Dick Beals, Frank Buxton, Merrill Mael, Ginny Tyler and Douglas Young.
Larry Albert has conducted a panel with Dick Beals and Art Gilmore on “Radio’s Top Ten Treasures and One Stinker.” According to Larry’s REPS survey, the top ten were (in reverse order): The Six Shooter, Vic and Sade, Our Miss Brooks, The Lone Ranger, The Jack Benny Program, Gunsmoke, Escape (notably the “Three Skeleton Key” broadcast), Fibber McGee and Molly, Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar and Suspense (notably “The House in Cypress Canyon” episode). The stinker was Hawk Larabee.
There was supposed to be a panel about Norman Corwin, but Corwin was unable to attend. Radio re-creations included Romance, Let’s Pretend (my favorite episode, by the way, “The Snow Queen”), Dr. Christian, Suspense, I Love A Mystery, The Bickersons, Vic and Sade, Meet Corliss Archer and Norman Corwin’s “My Client, Curly.” After dinner, Randy and Chris McMillan provided musical entertainment. Randy played “Name That Tune” with some of the popular themes from OTR shows.
Norman Corwin signs an autograph for a fan. |
2001 -- Celebrities included Tommy Cook, Dick Beals, Anne Whitfield, Ginny Tyler, Paul Herlinger, Pat French, Dick Van Patten, Jo Anna March, Gil Stratton Jr., Douglas Young, Art Gilmore, Frank Buxton, Harry Bartell, Herb Ellis, Elliott Reid, Sam Edwards, Norma Jean Nilsson, Arthur Anderson, Rhoda Williams, Dick Van Patten and True Boardman.
Actor Elliott Reid made his first appearance at REPS this year. Reid was known for his work on tons of old-time radio programs including The American School of the Air, Suspense, The Adventures of Sam Spade and it was while working on The March of Time that Orson Welles approached him to join in a new venture of a new repertory company called the Mercury Theater. This was also Dick Van Patten’s first appearance at REPS. A child actor on Let’s Pretend (as well as weekend guest Arthur Anderson), Patten reprised his role of Mark in a re-creation of Young Widder Brown. Lindsey Stewart, a huge Alan Young fan, shared a 50-year-old Kinescope of The Alan Young Show during the dinner break. Michael J. Hayde, author of My Name’s Friday (which officially went out of print two weeks ago so if you can buy a copy now, grab it!!!), was among the guests participating on a Dragnet panel with radio cast members.
Radio re-creations included Frontier Gentleman, Vic and Sade, Let’s Pretend, Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar, Escape, The Silver Theatre, Fibber McGee and Molly and The Bickersons.
Bob Hastings speaks into a solid gold microphone. |
2002 -- Celebrities included Rhoda Williams, Anne Whitfield, Jo Anna March, Sam Edwards, Ray Erlenborn, Hal Stone, Ginny Tyler, Dick Beals, Gil Stratton Jr., Alice Backes, Norma Jean Nilsson, Jean Rouverol Butler, Esther Geddes, Barbara Fuller, Bill Brooks, Art Gilmore, Tyler McVey, Jim French, Frank Buxton, Phil Harper, George Pirrone, Douglas Young and Larry Albert.
This year’s event showcased a reunion of two sports announcers. Gil Stratton Jr. (known for his love of baseball and acting on such shows as My Little Margie) met Dave Niehaus, the Seattle Mariners play-by-play man for 25 years. The men talked a full hour of stories about sports and sports casting. “Baseball is a radio game,” Niehaus remarked. “I’m one of the last sportscasters trained in radio only. Television is going to be the death of great sports casting. Nobody uses the medium to tell a story any longer.” One Man’s Family aficionados staged their own reunion with a box lunch social. The radio re-creation was from December 18, 1949 and concerned Father Barbour trying to give away a Christmas wreath.
One of my favorite radio programs, The Cavalcade of America, was dramatized that weekend. “Petticoat Jury” from May 20, 1946. Sam Edwards reprised his role of a judge, which he played back in 1946. Bob Louden, one of the attendees, recalled observing how the nearly 200 people in the room had closed their eyes to let their imagination watch the action. “When David Persson and Cheryl Jacobs performed the sound effects of horses walking, a train chugging into town, its’ whistle, doors opening and closing, cups rattling… eyes didn’t hesitate to focus on the action.” And as Bob added, “Cheryl’s ‘horse whinny’ was a gem.”
A recreation of "Arsenic and Old Lace" on stage. |
2003 -- Celebrities included Pat French, Jim French, Gil Stratton Jr., Jimmy Lydon, Ginny Tyler, Douglas Young, Art Gilmore, Kathy Garver, Harry Bartell, Anne Whitfield, Peggy Jordan, Dick Beals, Barbara Fuller, Sam Edwards, Ben Cooper, Ray Erlenborn, Larry Albert, Bill Brooks, Hal Stone, Ellen McLain, John Patrick Lowrie, Susan Connors, Frank Buxton and my good friend Jim Cox.
There was a spotlight on Jimmy Lydon (he silver screen’s Henry Aldrich), another on Ben Cooper. Re-creations included the Damon Runyon Theatre, Imagination Theater, Escape, Our Miss Brooks, Lux Radio Theatre and Mr. and Mrs. North. Jim Cox participated in a panel about old-time radio research and writing. The Writing Workshop was very popular and Jim provided tips for anyone wanting to do a write-up about an old-time radio show including getting permission to quote someone, permission from the copyright/trademark holders, requesting an index be created and how to negotiate for the cost of photograph reprint permissions. Tyler McVey was originally scheduled to attend but he could not make it. Instead, a phone call was placed and piped in through the speaker system so attendees could ask questions.
2004 -- Celebrities included Larry Albert, Alice Backes, Dick Beals, Bill Brooks, Frank Buxton, Paul Carnegie, Cliff Carpenter, Susan Connors, Tommy Cook, Ivan Cury, Bill Edwards, Sam Edwards, Ray Erlenborn, Jim French, Pat French, Barbara Fuller, Art Gilmore, Phil Harper, Margaret Lenhart, Jimmy Lydon, Esther McVey, David Parker, Donnie Pitchford, Jean Rouveral, Ed Scott, Gil Stratton, Charlie Summers and Ginny Tyler. This was my first year at REPS and one of my first public-speaking engagements. Nervous? Of course I was. But it was a learning experience and a lot of fun. Re-creations included The Green Hornet, Ethel and Albert, Let George Do It, Lost in a Radio Studio and Quiet, Please (a personal favorite of mine). Oh, I cannot forget The Lone Ranger, Jack Benny and Gang Busters were also re-created on stage. There was also a panel about The Lone Ranger and another about Carlton E. Morse. Millie Morse, Carlton’s widow, was present at the event to talk about her late husband.
A recreation of "Vic and Sade" on stage. |
2005 -- Celebrities included Pat French, Rosemary Rice, Donald Buka, Alice Backes, Ray Erlenborn, Bill Idelson, Jim French, Dick Beals, Bob Hastings, Gil Stratton Jr., Larry Albert, Frank Buxton, Hal Stone and Esther McVey. A re-creation of Archie Andrews was performed on stage. “This was the friendliest and best-organized convention that I can remember, and I have been to many over the past 15 or so years. And, our Archie cast was the best I have ever worked with, with the results speaking for themselves,” Rosemary Rice remarked.
2006 -- Celebrities included Larry Albert, Dick Beals, Frank Bresee, Donald Duka, Frank Buxton, Tommy Cook, Walter Edmiston, Jim French, Pat French, Paul Herlinger, Esther Geddes McVey, Rosemary Rice, Hal Stone, Gil Stratton Jr., Ginny Tyler and Dick Van Patten. 2006 celebrated “Kids Again!” with a dedication to the folks who played juvenile roles on radio programs. Frank Bresee talked on stage about the radio programs he appeared on. A spotlight on Dick Van Patten offered a great interview with the actor. The first chapter of The Cinnamon Bear was re-created on stage, along with a panel about the program with Dennis Crow, Harlan Zinck and Rich Lewis. Bob Blume dug into his extensive library to offer entertaining clips that featured stories and/or stars from kid’s radio shows and the TV versions that followed. Re-creations on stage included Batman’s Greatest Mystery, Buck Rogers, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Duffy’s Tavern (with Dick Van Patten playing the role of Archie’s nephew, Morton).
Gregg Oppenheimer directs during a rehearsal. |
2007 -- REPS didn’t seem the same with such nice folks who passed away within the past year, who made past REPS conventions a fun event. Hal Stone, Walker Edmiston, Alice Backes and Ray Erlenborn were memorialized. Special guests this year included Larry Albert, Dick Beals, Frank Bresee, Donald Buka, Eddie Carroll, Tommy Cook, Kathryn Crosby, Jim French, Pat French, Bob Hastings, Paul Herlinger, Gloria McMillan, Esther Geddes McVey, Shirley Mitchell, Rosemary Rice, Stuffy Singer, Gil Stratton Jr., Ginny Tyler and Dick Van Patten.
Author Chuck Schaden hosts an author’s panel about “The Rise of Radio,” promoting his new book of radio interviews. Gregg Oppenheimer promoted his book and talked about the I Love Lucy program and Lucille Ball’s radio career. Laura Leff, an expert on Jack Benny, hosted a panel about Jack Benny. Radio re-creations on the first day included The Shadow, Our Miss Brooks, George Burns and Gracie Allen, Lux Radio Theater (“Pinocchio”) and The Fred Allen Show with Eddie Carroll playing the role of Jack Benny. The second day of event included a Red Ryder re-creation with Frank Bresee and Tommy Cook, Laura Leff pretended to be Hedda Hopper and interviewed Jack Benny (Eddie Carroll). Truth or Consequences was performed on stage, an audience participation game show. Eddie Carroll also played Jack Benny for The Horn Blows at Midnight. Other re-creations included The Great Gildersleeve, Fibber McGee and Molly and The Bickersons.
2008 -- Celebrities included Stuffy Singer, Gil Stratton, Paul Herlinger, Ron Cocking, Dave Parker, Jan Merlin, Greg Oppenheimer, Chuck McCann, Jim French, Larry Albert, Ilona Herlinger, Ester Geddes-McVey, Joan Parker, Dick Beals, Rosemary Rice, Janet Waldo, Pat French, Gloria McMillan, Elizabeth Riplely, Shirley Mitchell, Bob Hastings, Frank Buxton and Lucy Lee. Chuck McCann did for different roles in one radio re-creation: Edgar Bergen, Charlie McCarthy, W.C. Fields and Mortimer Snerd. This was a challenge since the script called for a drawn out verbal brawl between McCarthy and Fields with Bergen caught in the middle.
“The Lost Letters of Robert E. Lee” was a highlight of the weekend. Janet Waldo’s late husband, Robert E. Lee, wrote the drama based on the fictional 43 year correspondence between the writer’s namesake, General Robert E. Lee of Virginia, and Amy Woodruff from New England. It was produced previously by the California Radio Artist Theater. Janet Waldo adapted a newer version for REPS starring herself as Amy Woodruff with Larry Albert as General Robert E. Lee and narrated by Paul Herlinger. It was produced by Lucy Lee and directed by Frank Buxton. Receiving a standing ovation and not a dry eye in the house, many proclaimed “The Lost Letters of Robert E. Lee” as one of the best shows ever produced at a convention.
Gregg Oppenheimer is the producer of the I Love Lucy DVD sets and the author of the book Laughs, Luck… and Lucy: How I Came to Create the Most Popular Sitcom of All Time, for his father. Jess Oppenheimer was the head writer and producer of I Love Lucy. With video and stories, Gregg took us behind the scenes of I Love Lucy and the show’s star, Lucille Ball.
The audience enjoys "Meet Corliss Archer." |
2009 -- Celebrities included Larry Albert, Dick Beals, Eddie Carroll, Ron Cocking, Tommy Cook, Frank Ferrante, Jim French, Pat French, Bob Hastings, Paul Herlinger, Bob Hudson (NBC San Francisco, including Little Orphan Annie), Tim Knofler, Gloria McMillan, Esther Geddes McVey, Shirley Mitchell, Gregg Oppenheimer, Dave Parker, Rosemary Rice, Stuffy Singer, Beverly Washburn and Heather Woodruff Perry.
Dave Parker’s new documentary was completed and “Remembering Radio” was presented at the convention for attendees, with a strong emphasis on sound effects men and a recorded interview with the late Ray Erlenborn. Tim Knofler directed a re-creation of CBS Radio Mystery Theater. Gregg Oppenheimer presented bloopers and fluffs (adults only). Dick Beals re-created his role for “Return to Dust,” a kick-butt episode of Suspense that still brings chills to anyone who hears it for the first time. A full radio production of The Wizard of Oz is performed on stage. Bryan Henderickson appeared as Deadeye and Junior, “the mean widdle kid,” in Red Skelton’s Scrapbook on Stage. A special You Bet Your Life sketch with Frank Ferrante, Eddie Carroll and Larry Albert play comedy legends, Groucho Marx, Jack Benny and Fred Allen. Matthew Rovner and Tommy Cook talk about working with Arch Oboler, the man responsible for Lights Out!
Radio re-creations included The Great Gildersleeve, It Pays to be Ignorant, Fibber McGee and Molly, Lum and Abner, The Bickersons, The Shadow, I Remember Mama, Gunsmoke (a re-creation of a “lost” episode, “Dodge City Killer”), Your Hit Parade, The Jack Benny Program, and Tim Knofler presented I Love A Mystery.
Laura Leff in costume as Hedda Hopper |
2010 -- Celebrities included Larry Albert, Dick Beals, Frank Buxton, Michael James Casey, Ron Cocking, Norman Corwin, Ivan Cury, Robert Easton, Jim French, Bob Hastings, Bob Hudson, Tim Knofler, Robert Loudon, Chuck McCann, Gloria McMillan, Esther Geddes McVey, Jan Merlin, Shirley Mitchell, Gregg Oppenheimer, Dave Parker, Heather Woodruff Perry, Rosemary Rice, Ed Silverman, Stuffy Singer and Leonard Smith.
Events included Bob Loudon’s House Party (comedy, news, drama, bloopers, very fast moving and with lots of really nice door prizes), a visit with Norman Corwin who did an interview on stage, Shaun Clancy chats with Ed Silverman who told of his days working as a correspondent in World War II, his days in radio with Bill Stern and many other personalities, Dark Parker does another “Remembering Radio,” Len Smith’s tribute to Our Miss Brooks, and a salute to the radio serial hour with a feature devoted to Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy. Bob Loudon also offered a Big Band party. Tim Knofler directed a radio version of a classic Twilight Zone television episode.
Radio re-creations included the D-Day broadcast, The Treasury Hour Bond Show, Suspense, The CBS Radio Mystery Theater, The Aldrich Family, Studio One, Screen Guild Theater, The Fred Allen Show, Our Miss Brooks and The Six Shooter.
2011 -- Celebrities included Tim Knofler, Ivan Cury, Bryan Henderickson, Beverly Washburn, Tommy Cook, Stuffy Singer, Jerry Williams, John Dix, Bill Brooks, Michael James Kacey, Jim Dolan, Esther Geddes McVey, Gloria McMillan, Jenn Ollivier, Kate McKnight, Anna Denton, Ron Cocking, Chuck McCann, Gregg Oppenheimer and Larry Albert.
Radio re-creations included Little Orphan Annie, I Love Lucy: The Untold Story, The CBS Radio Mystery Theatre, Escape’s “Three Skeleton Key,” Lights Out!, My Favorite Husband, The Lux Radio Theatre, The Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The Great Gildersleeve and a spoof of The Shadow.
Many thanks to Larry and John Gassman, Shaun Clancy, Don Bishop, Walden Hughes and Paul K. Secord.
For more information about the Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound, or how to become a member and get a free subscription to their monthly newsletter, Air Check, visit the REPS web-site at
The REPS Convention web-site is